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Medical Disclosure

Enlighten should not be used to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease or condition. We are not medical professionals. We do not provide medical advice. Please consult a qualified medical professional for individualized treatments, advice, questions, and concerns. All content, information, and opinions are only for educational, motivational, and general informational purposes. All users of this site are advised to consult a trusted integrative or functional healthcare professional before changing their diet or lifestyle. Enlighten assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of any content, information, or opinion. Enlighten disclaims any liability for any use of our products or services. Users of this platform are fully responsible for actions taken and health decisions. Users agree that Enlighten is not liable for any action they take. Enlighten is not responsible for any health change, adverse reaction, or consequence. Use of this platform signifies agreement with all disclosures and terms of service. This disclosure was last update on 2/27/2024.

We are a platform built on independent research. Advertisers do not approve or endorse any content. Our team adheres to a rigorous editorial standard for consumer protection. Enlighten may receive compensation from advertisers featured on our platform. Compensation structure may or may not influence advertiser placement and appearance. This disclosure was last updated on 2/27/2024.

Result Disclosure

Weight loss and wellness are not guaranteed. All results vary. Enlighten does not make any claim to any individual results. This disclosure was last updated on 2/27/2024.